The instrumental compositions written for HIJAZ melded western harmonies with eastern scales and rhythms.
Two of the pieces I’ve chosen to showcase here were written with Vince. On “My MY Ymym” and “Nines Over Easy”, Vince provided the scales we worked from, the rhythmic concept (in “Nines”, a fast 9 over a slow 9), and the melody. I wrote the bass line and the changes.
I wrote all of “Disjunction”, but these guys were able to make it work.
Jim is a master guitarist and good friend. His melodic concepts made from within the harmonic and rhythmic “constrictions’ of this music is what made the compositions fly.
HIJAZ: Jim Putman, guitar; Vince Delgado, percussion; Tom Shader, bass.
The album Hijaz Trio is available from CDBaby under Vince’s name.
contact: cdbaby.com

“Once” was a true collaboration. Vince came up with the rhythmic concept. I wrote the bass line, the changes, and the melody for the ‘A” section, Vince wrote the melody for the “B”.
In some ways, the Vince Delgado Quintet expands in the direction Hijaz pioneered. By using two percussionists, and independent harmonic and melodic voices (great players all), the relationship time has with sonic intervals was deeply explored. The band cooks in odd directions. It feels good.
THE VINCE DELGADO QUINTET: Matt Eakle, flute; Joey Edleman, piano; Vince Delgado and Susu Pampanin, percussion; Tom Shader, bass.
I put the Hijaz version of “Once” in my photo History section.
The Vince Delgado Quintet is under Vince Delgado on CDBaby. Check out the album “Beginnings”.
contact: cdbaby.com