The photo and video links presented here on the upper part of the page represent one of the incarnations of Hot House. Hot House, led by guitarist Bill DeKuiper, specialized in music from the 30’s and 40’s. This quartet, which focused mostly on instrumental music, was fronted by two phenomenal horn players; Jack Schaeffer on sax and Jim Gammon on trumpet.
I first met Hot House in the early 80’s. The ensemble in the lower photo features Bill and I with Elizabeth Richardson on vocals and Phil Richardson on vocals, guitar, and violin. When a larger band was called for, as on the recording of “Puttin’ On The Ritz” found under the lower picture, we would be joined by Jack Schaeffer on sax and Bob Bolanski on drums. That configuration of Hot House focused on Elizabeth’s vocals and three part harmony, as well as the instrumental aspects of the sound.
I loved to perform with Hot House. Bill DeKuiper was one of my favorite humans on this planet. Hot House wss always BIG FUN! What else need I say?

Video Links From 2013